BTS World so far:


Namjoon: shy earnest dork who I consistently have the best relationship with, and I’M NOT EVEN MEANING TO I swear we just click
Jin: boy if you weren’t so hilarious I would strangle you, probably, or just giggle a lot at you (also I should probably stop encouraging your ridiculous behaviour before everyone else strangles ME)
Yoongi: we have blackmail material on each other and frequently have bullshit conversations, we’re legit bros now
Hobi: weirdly enough, our peacemaker and voice of reason, cheerful but sensible, and consistently surprised that I can’t dance (also actually convinced me to buy all the boys chicken with the power of aegyo #justHobithings)
Jimin: hardworking lil darling fluff who NEEDS TO EAT I SWEAR TO GOD BOY IF YOU FAINT AGAIN I’LL–
Taehyung: either adorably off in his own world, or far-too-srsly down in this one; the actual sweetest thing either way
Jungkook: emo teenager but makes up for it by being a bit of a sassy bitch with me, which I rather admire; respect your noona you sleepy lil shit I have six months on your muscled ass

*spittakes* WHAT–

OKAY, STOP RIGHT NOW, STOP. BigHit, what is wrong with you?! Why does this boy still think he can’t sing?!  (I’m talking about Yoongi, I mean. Anyone with two ears can tell that when Joonie sticks to his range, he has a voice as smooth and beautiful as midsummer dusk. All of mono., particularly “forever rain”, that will be all. And his sung verse in “4 O’Clock” which literally gave me goosebumps and stopped me cold the first time I heard it. And also presents Taehyung in his personal tessitura, no less, so…) He is hitting and holding every note, naturally, without straining, and his voice is warm (tonally).

I’m screwed if I can find the video now, but it’s like when they were ‘operatically’ singing happy birthday to…actually they do this pretty much every time someone has a birthday, but in this one video Yoongi was closest to the mic and I could hear him perfectly. He was being silly, but the thing is, his vocal control was excellent. Like, he hit the note, he held it, and again, strong and warm tonally. I was just like “…wait a minute. Has…has no one heard this, or…?”

What the…like, I’m fairly sure I’ve said this before, but does THE RAP LINE CAN SING. They just need training — and in Yoongi and Joon’s cases, MORE CONFIDENCE. You aren’t bad singers, you’re just BARITONES! In a band full of bloody lyric tenors! (Or character baritones who can sing in lyric tenor if they like, no big deal, Kim Taehyung your frickin’ range–) Specifically, Namjoon’s a lyric baritone and Yoongi’s a cavalier baritone. (Yes, I know operatic fachs don’t really work outside operatic music but shush, I like categorising things and besides there’s more specificality if you use the operatic types.)

If BigHit would sink some money into training those two (and getting Jin to abandon his high head voice and just go for the falsetto instead), they could produce even more incredible music than they already do, like, those voices are pure gold for slow jams and just bascially any R&B flavoured anything. Can’t sing my frickin’ flat backside. YES, THEY CAN. TRAIN THEM. Heck it, I’ll do it for free if you like! You are WASTING THEM!

(Ugh yes this appears to be a berserk button with me, probably because I felt like I wasn’t a “real” singer for years and years, literally…because I’m not a soprano. I’m a lyric mezzo-soprano [to be super-specific, I’m a female lyric tenor, actually, but what even is gender in music I have a falsetto too does this mean my XX chromosomes are gonna turn inside out or something] and I spent ACTUAL LONG PERIODS OF TIME being like “I’m only half a singer, I’m just a mezzo…” There’s no such thing as just a mezzo/alto/contralto/baritone/bass, dammit! We all exist and we’re frickin’ RARER than goddamn tenors/sopranos so TREASURE US. Oh my god. Higher does not automatically mean better!

…when I said ‘appears’ to be a berserk button, I think I mean ‘is’.)


“ugh!” is not a suitable substitute for “cheers”, wtf you weirdos

I am watching BTS get quite tipsy and all I can think is I would sell both my kidneys to get drunk with them. Especially RM, all my biasing aside. The boy is hilarious.

(I would also bring an ice-pack for any limbs and/or joints he manages to smash against the table.
…or I might smash against the table, fine, okay, I do that too. Shut up.)

(still) NOT DEAD

May 24th“ANPANMAN”, those seven idiots I stan
(Okay, if this doesn’t put the nail in the “BTS are miming their performances!” argument, nothing will. These beautiful jackasses can’t even remember to mime when autotune [as an instrument] dictates that they have to. And RM officially doesn’t even bother trying, it’s literally on record. XD *wheeze* Also good god I love this track. It’s ridiculous and wonderful.)

May 26th“P.O.P (Piece of Peace) Part 1”, J-Hope
(okay, so the Hixtape being being solely responsible for me actually sitting my ass down and, y’know, completing my frickin’ book’s coding aside, this track is golden. Hobi has a pretty voice, too. He should sing more often. [Which I may say to other members of the rap line, too *cough*RM*coughhack* No, seriously. When he sings within his range? The boy’s voice is husky and beautiful, his natural breath control is actually miles better than Jungkook’s, Mr Voice-Of-The-Band, and his falsetto, if a little weak in projection, is so mobile. Now, imagine if a) someone kicked him in the shins whenever he did the mumbly “I’m a rapper, I don’t sing” garbage, and b) BigHit sunk some money into training him properly.]
…got off track there. F’ing biases, I swear.)

May 27th“We Don’t Talk Anymore Part 2”, JK feat. JM
(And speaking of the Golden Maknae, here’s him and Jimin performing a song originally performed by a male-female pair, with all the original pronouns intact. It’s fascinating if only for that fact. Adds a whole weird dimension to the song, and I kinda love it.)

…one day SOTD will not be a slew of kpop. It just won’t be today. Oh well! :3

SOTD catch up post

Because music is important, okay. So is some fangirling. 好きなものは好きだから好きので。

11th“Don’t Leave Me”, BTS (or are they Boudan Shounendan/防弾少年团 for Japanese tracks? :P)
This is really good. Like, nothing amazing structurally, but Jimin’s vocals, and Jin’s voice! I swear to god. GIVE THE BOY MORE LINES. (Also, holy fwck, their official promo photos for ‘Tear’ are killing me completely.)

12th — “Singularity”, BTS (V solo)
…okay, I have not been emotionally and intellectually compromised this way since they dropped the “BS&T” MV, and I am liking this. Even if no other track on Tear is anywhere near as good as this, I’m fine with it, we can all go home. Taehyung’s voice is liquid gold silk, or red wine, or…or…jfc, just go listen. (Anyone who intimates that TaeTae can’t sing literally deserves a slap, now. Bitch, is you deaf?! And him touching himself the way he does in the first part of the video is…so bizarrely sexy and sensual and adjfkl;sa please get me a stiff drink. He ain’t even my bias.)