sweeter than sweet

Things! In point form because my tailbone is trying to kill me! (More on that later.)

  1. fell down the stairs. hit my left bicep pretty hard (hueg omg bruise) and have really screwed up my tailbone. To the point where I’m taking Mersyndol Day every six hours because otherwise I can’t function. It made public transport yesterday rather…interesting, shall we say.
  2. high distinctions on both exams at school so far. Not bad for a paranoid stressmonkey having a semi-permanent anxiety attack.

MAMA 2016! Some thoughts.

Continue reading “sweeter than sweet”

on the ’95 line and feeling fine

Song of the Day for today!
“Whalien 52”, BTS.
Yes, moar BTS, because while I was off battling the migraine from Pandemonium, these seven losers managed to take out a daesang award (Album of the Year!) at the MelOn Music Awards and everybody cried. Including me when I woke up. (If they don’t just sweep the entire world with “Wings” next year god help me something’s going to get pipe-bombed, to quote my friend Pete.)

one more kpop trash thing

Also, I’m not an ARMY but I swear to frog, if BTS doesn’t take out the Best Video MAMA for “Blood Sweat & Tears”, god help me something is getting blown up. Or at least scowled at. Seriously, that video is poetry. (And raises far more f’ing questions than it answers, but that’s probably why I like it so much.)

[Retrospective note: a week later I gave up pretending. I was definitely an ARMY. ♥]